Source code for

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at

from typing import List

from volatility.framework import renderers, exceptions, interfaces
from volatility.framework.configuration import requirements
from volatility.framework.interfaces import plugins
from volatility.framework.layers import intel

[docs]class Statistics(plugins.PluginInterface):
[docs] @classmethod def get_requirements(cls) -> List[interfaces.configuration.RequirementInterface]: return [ requirements.TranslationLayerRequirement(name = 'primary', description = 'Memory layer for the kernel', architectures = ["Intel32", "Intel64"]) ]
def _generator(self): # Do mass mapping and determine the number of different layers and how many pages go to each one layer = self.context.layers[self.config['primary']] page_count = swap_count = invalid_page_count = large_page_count = large_swap_count = large_invalid_count = 0 if isinstance(layer, intel.Intel): page_addr = 0 while page_addr < layer.maximum_address: try: _, _, page_size, layer_name = list(layer.mapping(page_addr, 0x2000))[0] if layer_name != layer.config['memory_layer']: swap_count += 1 else: page_count += 1 if page_size > 0x1000: large_page_count += 1 except exceptions.SwappedInvalidAddressException as excp: swap_count += 1 page_size = (1 << excp.invalid_bits) if page_size != 0x1000: large_swap_count += 1 except exceptions.PagedInvalidAddressException as excp: invalid_page_count += 1 page_size = (1 << excp.invalid_bits) if page_size != 0x1000: large_invalid_count += 1 page_addr += page_size self._progress_callback((page_addr * 100) / layer.maximum_address, "Reading memory") yield (0, (page_count, large_page_count, swap_count, large_swap_count, invalid_page_count, large_invalid_count))
[docs] def run(self): return renderers.TreeGrid([("Valid pages (all)", int), ("Valid pages (large)", int), ("Swapped Pages (all)", int), ("Swapped Pages (large)", int), ("Invalid Pages (all)", int), ("Invalid Pages (large)", int)], self._generator())