Source code for

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at
from typing import Iterable, Tuple

from volatility.framework import interfaces, symbols
from volatility.framework import renderers
from volatility.framework.configuration import requirements
from volatility.framework.objects import utility
from volatility.framework.renderers import format_hints
from import pslist, vadinfo

[docs]class Malfind(interfaces.plugins.PluginInterface): """Lists process memory ranges that potentially contain injected code."""
[docs] @classmethod def get_requirements(cls): # Since we're calling the plugin, make sure we have the plugin's requirements return [ requirements.TranslationLayerRequirement(name = 'primary', description = 'Memory layer for the kernel', architectures = ["Intel32", "Intel64"]), requirements.SymbolTableRequirement(name = "nt_symbols", description = "Windows kernel symbols"), requirements.IntRequirement(name = 'pid', description = "Process ID to include (all other processes are excluded)", optional = True), requirements.PluginRequirement(name = 'pslist', plugin = pslist.PsList, version = (1, 0, 0)), requirements.PluginRequirement(name = 'vadinfo', plugin = vadinfo.VadInfo, version = (1, 0, 0)), ]
[docs] @classmethod def is_vad_empty(cls, proc_layer, vad): """Check if a VAD region is either entirely unavailable due to paging, entirely consisting of zeros, or a combination of the two. This helps ignore false positives whose VAD flags match task._injection_filter requirements but there's no data and thus not worth reporting it. Args: proc_layer: the process layer vad: the MMVAD structure to test Returns: A boolean indicating whether a vad is empty or not """ CHUNK_SIZE = 0x1000 all_zero_page = "\x00" * CHUNK_SIZE offset = 0 vad_length = vad.get_end() - vad.get_start() while offset < vad_length: next_addr = vad.get_start() + offset if proc_layer.is_valid(next_addr) and, CHUNK_SIZE) != all_zero_page: return False offset += CHUNK_SIZE return True
[docs] @classmethod def list_injections(cls, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, symbol_table: str, proc: interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface ) -> Iterable[Tuple[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface, bytes]]: """Generate memory regions for a process that may contain injected code. Args: context: The context to retrieve required elements (layers, symbol tables) from symbol_table: The name of the table containing the kernel symbols proc: an _EPROCESS instance Returns: An iterable of VAD instances and the first 64 bytes of data containing in that region """ proc_layer_name = proc.add_process_layer() proc_layer = context.layers[proc_layer_name] for vad in proc.get_vad_root().traverse(): protection_string = vad.get_protection( vadinfo.VadInfo.protect_values(context, proc_layer_name, symbol_table), vadinfo.winnt_protections) write_exec = "EXECUTE" in protection_string and "WRITE" in protection_string # the write/exec check applies to everything if not write_exec: continue if (vad.get_private_memory() == 1 and vad.get_tag() == "VadS") or (vad.get_private_memory() == 0 and protection_string != "PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY"): if cls.is_vad_empty(proc_layer, vad): continue data =, 64, pad = True) yield vad, data
def _generator(self, procs): # determine if we're on a 32 or 64 bit kernel is_32bit_arch = not symbols.symbol_table_is_64bit(self.context, self.config["nt_symbols"]) for proc in procs: process_name = utility.array_to_string(proc.ImageFileName) for vad, data in self.list_injections(self.context, self.config["nt_symbols"], proc): # if we're on a 64 bit kernel, we may still need 32 bit disasm due to wow64 if is_32bit_arch or proc.get_is_wow64(): architecture = "intel" else: architecture = "intel64" disasm = interfaces.renderers.Disassembly(data, vad.get_start(), architecture) yield (0, (proc.UniqueProcessId, process_name, format_hints.Hex(vad.get_start()), format_hints.Hex(vad.get_end()), vad.get_tag(), vad.get_protection( vadinfo.VadInfo.protect_values(self.context, proc.vol.layer_name, self.config["nt_symbols"]), vadinfo.winnt_protections), vad.get_commit_charge(), vad.get_private_memory(), format_hints.HexBytes(data), disasm))
[docs] def run(self): filter_func = pslist.PsList.create_pid_filter([self.config.get('pid', None)]) return renderers.TreeGrid([("PID", int), ("Process", str), ("Start VPN", format_hints.Hex), ("End VPN", format_hints.Hex), ("Tag", str), ("Protection", str), ("CommitCharge", int), ("PrivateMemory", int), ("Hexdump", format_hints.HexBytes), ("Disasm", interfaces.renderers.Disassembly)], self._generator( pslist.PsList.list_processes(context = self.context, layer_name = self.config['primary'], symbol_table = self.config['nt_symbols'], filter_func = filter_func)))