Source code for volatility.plugins.mac.lsof

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at

import logging

from volatility.framework import renderers
from volatility.framework.automagic import mac
from volatility.framework.configuration import requirements
from volatility.framework.interfaces import plugins
from volatility.plugins.mac import tasks

vollog = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class lsof(plugins.PluginInterface): """Lists all open file descriptors for all processes."""
[docs] @classmethod def get_requirements(cls): return [ requirements.TranslationLayerRequirement(name = 'primary', description = 'Kernel Address Space', architectures = ["Intel32", "Intel64"]), requirements.SymbolTableRequirement(name = "darwin", description = "Mac Kernel"), requirements.PluginRequirement(name = 'tasks', plugin = tasks.Tasks, version = (1, 0, 0)) ]
def _generator(self, tasks): for task in tasks: pid = task.p_pid for _, filepath, fd in mac.MacUtilities.files_descriptors_for_process(self.config, self.context, task): if filepath and len(filepath) > 0: yield (0, (pid, fd, filepath))
[docs] def run(self): filter_func = tasks.Tasks.create_pid_filter([self.config.get('pid', None)]) return renderers.TreeGrid([("PID", int), ("File Descriptor", int), ("File Path", str)], self._generator( tasks.Tasks.list_tasks(self.context, self.config['primary'], self.config['darwin'], filter_func = filter_func)))