Source code for

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at

from volatility.framework import constants
from volatility.framework import objects

[docs]class KDDEBUGGER_DATA64(objects.StructType):
[docs] def get_build_lab(self): """Returns the NT build lab string from the KDBG.""" layer_name = self.vol.layer_name symbol_table_name = self.get_symbol_table().name return self._context.object(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "string", layer_name = layer_name, offset = self.NtBuildLab, max_length = 32, errors = "replace")
[docs] def get_csdversion(self): """Returns the CSDVersion as an integer (i.e. Service Pack number)""" layer_name = self.vol.layer_name symbol_table_name = self.get_symbol_table().name csdresult = self._context.object(symbol_table_name + constants.BANG + "unsigned long", layer_name = layer_name, offset = self.CmNtCSDVersion) return (csdresult >> 8) & 0xffffffff