Source code for volatility.framework.renderers.conversion

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at

import datetime
import ipaddress
import socket
import struct
from typing import Union

from volatility.framework import interfaces, renderers

[docs]def wintime_to_datetime(wintime: int) -> Union[interfaces.renderers.BaseAbsentValue, datetime.datetime]: unix_time = wintime // 10000000 if unix_time == 0: return renderers.NotApplicableValue() unix_time = unix_time - 11644473600 try: return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(unix_time) # Windows sometimes throws OSErrors rather than ValueErrors when it can't convert a value except (ValueError, OSError): return renderers.UnparsableValue()
[docs]def unixtime_to_datetime(unixtime: int) -> Union[interfaces.renderers.BaseAbsentValue, datetime.datetime]: ret = renderers.UnparsableValue() # type: Union[interfaces.renderers.BaseAbsentValue, datetime.datetime] if unixtime > 0: try: ret = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(unixtime) except ValueError: pass return ret
[docs]def round(addr: int, align: int, up: bool = False) -> int: """Round an address up or down based on an alignment. Args: addr: the address align: the alignment value up: Whether to round up or not Returns: The aligned address """ if addr % align == 0: return addr else: if up: return (addr + (align - (addr % align))) return (addr - (addr % align))
# For vol3 devs: # # convert_ipv4 && convert_ipv6 are slightly modified versions of their # counterparts from vol2: # # # # Furthermore, vol2 used as overlay for ip addresses that made the conversion string based: # # # # by using struct.pack with the given format string on data that was then gathered through .v(): # # # # .v() for IP addresses would do, which returned a string, and struct.pack was called on it. # # This doesn't translate very well to vol3, since vol3 does have overlays so the plugins instead are retrieving the raw integers # from memory. That is why convert_ip4 takes a 32 bit integer as its input and convert_ipv6 takes an array of shorts. # This code has only been tested on Mac so far, but since the modified functions cleanly replace evaluation of data that used to # be done by the overlays that plugins for every OS used, then I don't expect issues when vol3 linux and windows plugins use them
[docs]def convert_ipv4(ip_as_integer): return str(ipaddress.IPv4Address(struct.pack("<I", ip_as_integer)))
[docs]def convert_ipv6(packed_ip): # Replace a run of 0x00s with None return str(ipaddress.IPv6Address(struct.pack("<IIII", *packed_ip)))
[docs]def convert_port(port_as_integer): return (port_as_integer >> 8) | ((port_as_integer & 0xff) << 8)
[docs]def convert_network_four_tuple(family, four_tuple): """Converts the connection four_tuple: (source ip, source port, dest ip, dest port) into their string equivalents. IP addresses are expected as a tuple of unsigned shorts Ports are converted to proper endianess as well """ if family == socket.AF_INET: ret = (convert_ipv4(four_tuple[0]), convert_port(four_tuple[1]), convert_ipv4(four_tuple[2]), convert_port(four_tuple[3])) elif family == socket.AF_INET6: ret = (convert_ipv6(four_tuple[0]), convert_port(four_tuple[1]), convert_ipv6(four_tuple[2]), convert_port(four_tuple[3])) else: ret = None return ret