Source code for volatility.framework.automagic

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at
"""Automagic modules allow the framework to populate configuration elements
that a user has not provided.

Automagic objects accept a `context` and a `configurable`, and will make appropriate changes to the `context` in an
attempt to fulfill the requirements of the `configurable` object (or objects upon which that configurable may rely).

Several pre-existing modules include one to stack layers on top of each other (allowing automatic detection and
loading of file format types) as well as a module to reconstruct layers based on their provided requirements.

import logging
import sys
import traceback
from typing import List, Type, Union

from volatility.framework import class_subclasses, import_files, interfaces, constants
from volatility.framework.configuration import requirements

vollog = logging.getLogger(__name__)

windows_automagic = ['ConstructionMagic', 'LayerStacker', 'WintelHelper', 'KernelPDBScanner', 'WinSwapLayers']

linux_automagic = ['ConstructionMagic', 'LayerStacker', 'LinuxBannerCache', 'LinuxSymbolFinder']

mac_automagic = ['ConstructionMagic', 'LayerStacker', 'MacBannerCache', 'MacSymbolFinder']

[docs]def available(context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface) -> List[interfaces.automagic.AutomagicInterface]: """Returns an ordered list of all subclasses of :class:`~volatility.framework.interfaces.automagic.AutomagicInterface`. The order is based on the priority attributes of the subclasses, in order to ensure the automagics are listed in an appropriate order. Args: context: The context that will contain any automagic configuration values. """ import_files(sys.modules[__name__]) config_path = constants.AUTOMAGIC_CONFIG_PATH return sorted([ clazz(context, interfaces.configuration.path_join(config_path, clazz.__name__)) for clazz in class_subclasses(interfaces.automagic.AutomagicInterface) ], key = lambda x: x.priority)
[docs]def choose_automagic(automagics, plugin): """Chooses which automagics to run, maintaining the order they were handed in.""" plugin_category = "None" plugin_categories = plugin.__module__.split('.') lowest_index = len(plugin_categories) automagic_categories = {'windows': windows_automagic, 'linux': linux_automagic, 'mac': mac_automagic} for os in automagic_categories: try: if plugin_categories.index(os) < lowest_index: lowest_index = plugin_categories.index(os) plugin_category = os except ValueError: # The value wasn't found, try the next one pass if plugin_category not in automagic_categories:"No plugin category detected") return automagics"Detected a {} category plugin".format(plugin_category)) output = [] for amagic in automagics: if amagic.__class__.__name__ in automagic_categories[plugin_category]: output += [amagic] return output
[docs]def run(automagics: List[interfaces.automagic.AutomagicInterface], context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, configurable: Union[interfaces.configuration.ConfigurableInterface, Type[interfaces.configuration. ConfigurableInterface]], config_path: str, progress_callback: constants.ProgressCallback = None) -> List[traceback.TracebackException]: """Runs through the list of `automagics` in order, allowing them to make changes to the context. Args: automagics: A list of :class:`~volatility.framework.interfaces.automagic.AutomagicInterface` objects context: The context (that inherits from :class:`~volatility.framework.interfaces.context.ContextInterface`) for modification configurable: An object that inherits from :class:`~volatility.framework.interfaces.configuration.ConfigurableInterface` config_path: The path within the `context.config` for options required by the `configurable` progress_callback: A function that takes a percentage (and an optional description) that will be called periodically This is where any automagic is allowed to run, and alter the context in order to satisfy/improve all requirements Returns a list of traceback objects that occurred during the autorun procedure Note: The order of the `automagics` list is important. An `automagic` that populates configurations may be necessary for an `automagic` that populates the context based on the configuration information. """ for automagic in automagics: if not isinstance(automagic, interfaces.automagic.AutomagicInterface): raise TypeError("Automagics must only contain AutomagicInterface subclasses") if (not isinstance(configurable, interfaces.configuration.ConfigurableInterface) and not issubclass(configurable, interfaces.configuration.ConfigurableInterface)): raise TypeError("Automagic operates on configurables only") # TODO: Fix need for top level config element just because we're using a MultiRequirement to group the # configurable's config requirements # configurable_class: Type[interfaces.configuration.ConfigurableInterface] if isinstance(configurable, interfaces.configuration.ConfigurableInterface): configurable_class = configurable.__class__ else: configurable_class = configurable requirement = requirements.MultiRequirement(name = configurable_class.__name__) for req in configurable.get_requirements(): requirement.add_requirement(req) exceptions = [] for automagic in automagics: try:"Running automagic: {}".format(automagic.__class__.__name__)) automagic(context, config_path, requirement, progress_callback) except Exception as excp: exceptions.append(traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(excp)) return exceptions