Source code for volatility.cli.volshell.generic

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at
import binascii
import code
import random
import string
import struct
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, Type

from volatility.cli import text_renderer
from volatility.framework import renderers, interfaces, objects, plugins, exceptions
from volatility.framework.configuration import requirements
from volatility.framework.layers import intel

    import capstone

    has_capstone = True
except ImportError:
    has_capstone = False

[docs]class Volshell(interfaces.plugins.PluginInterface): """Shell environment to directly interact with a memory image.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__current_layer = None # type: Optional[str]
[docs] @classmethod def get_requirements(cls) -> List[interfaces.configuration.RequirementInterface]: return [ requirements.TranslationLayerRequirement(name = 'primary', description = 'Memory layer for the kernel', architectures = ["Intel32", "Intel64"]) ]
[docs] def run(self, additional_locals: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> interfaces.renderers.TreeGrid: """Runs the interactive volshell plugin. Returns: Return a TreeGrid but this is always empty since the point of this plugin is to run interactively """ self._current_layer = self.config['primary'] # Try to enable tab completion try: import readline except ImportError: pass else: import rlcompleter completer = rlcompleter.Completer(namespace = self._construct_locals_dict()) readline.set_completer(completer.complete) readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") print("Readline imported successfully") # TODO: provide help, consider generic functions (pslist?) and/or providing windows/linux functions mode = self.__module__.split('.')[-1] mode = mode[0].upper() + mode[1:] banner = """ Call help() to see available functions Volshell mode: {} Current Layer: {} """.format(mode, self.current_layer) sys.ps1 = "({}) >>> ".format(self.current_layer) code.interact(banner = banner, local = self._construct_locals_dict()) return renderers.TreeGrid([("Terminating", str)], None)
[docs] def help(self, *args): """Describes the available commands""" if args: help(*args) return variables = [] print("\nMethods:") for aliases, item in self.construct_locals(): name = ", ".join(aliases) if item.__doc__ and callable(item): print("* {}".format(name)) print(" {}".format(item.__doc__)) else: variables.append(name) print("\nVariables:") for var in variables: print(" {}".format(var))
[docs] def construct_locals(self) -> List[Tuple[List[str], Any]]: """Returns a dictionary listing the functions to be added to the environment.""" return [(['dt', 'display_type'], self.display_type), (['db', 'display_bytes'], self.display_bytes), (['dw', 'display_words'], self.display_words), (['dd', 'display_doublewords'], self.display_doublewords), (['dq', 'display_quadwords'], self.display_quadwords), (['dis', 'disassemble'], self.disassemble), (['cl', 'change_layer'], self.change_layer), (['context'], self.context), (['self'], self), (['dpo', 'display_plugin_output'], self.display_plugin_output), (['gt', 'generate_treegrid'], self.generate_treegrid), (['rt', 'render_treegrid'], self.render_treegrid), (['ds', 'display_symbols'], self.display_symbols), (['hh', 'help'],]
def _construct_locals_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns a dictionary of the locals """ result = {} for aliases, value in self.construct_locals(): for alias in aliases: result[alias] = value return result def _read_data(self, offset, count = 128, layer_name = None): """Reads the bytes necessary for the display_* methods""" return self.context.layers[layer_name or self.current_layer].read(offset, count) def _display_data(self, offset: int, remaining_data: bytes, format_string: str = "B", ascii: bool = True): """Display a series of bytes""" chunk_size = struct.calcsize(format_string) data_length = len(remaining_data) remaining_data = remaining_data[:data_length - (data_length % chunk_size)] while remaining_data: current_line, remaining_data = remaining_data[:16], remaining_data[16:] offset += 16 data_blocks = [current_line[chunk_size * i:chunk_size * (i + 1)] for i in range(16 // chunk_size)] data_blocks = [x for x in data_blocks if x != b''] valid_data = [("{:0" + str(2 * chunk_size) + "x}").format(struct.unpack(format_string, x)[0]) for x in data_blocks] padding_data = [" " * 2 * chunk_size for _ in range((16 - len(current_line)) // chunk_size)] hex_data = " ".join(valid_data + padding_data) ascii_data = "" if ascii: connector = " " if chunk_size < 2: connector = "" ascii_data = connector.join([self._ascii_bytes(x) for x in valid_data]) print(hex(offset), " ", hex_data, " ", ascii_data) @staticmethod def _ascii_bytes(bytes): """Converts bytes into an ascii string""" return "".join([chr(x) if 32 < x < 127 else '.' for x in binascii.unhexlify(bytes)]) @property def current_layer(self): return self._current_layer
[docs] def change_layer(self, layer_name = None): """Changes the current default layer""" if not layer_name: layer_name = self.config['primary'] self._current_layer = layer_name sys.ps1 = "({}) >>> ".format(self.current_layer)
[docs] def display_bytes(self, offset, count = 128, layer_name = None): """Displays byte values and ASCII characters""" remaining_data = self._read_data(offset, count = count, layer_name = layer_name) self._display_data(offset, remaining_data)
[docs] def display_quadwords(self, offset, count = 128, layer_name = None): """Displays quad-word values (8 bytes) and corresponding ASCII characters""" remaining_data = self._read_data(offset, count = count, layer_name = layer_name) self._display_data(offset, remaining_data, format_string = "Q")
[docs] def display_doublewords(self, offset, count = 128, layer_name = None): """Displays double-word values (4 bytes) and corresponding ASCII characters""" remaining_data = self._read_data(offset, count = count, layer_name = layer_name) self._display_data(offset, remaining_data, format_string = "I")
[docs] def display_words(self, offset, count = 128, layer_name = None): """Displays word values (2 bytes) and corresponding ASCII characters""" remaining_data = self._read_data(offset, count = count, layer_name = layer_name) self._display_data(offset, remaining_data, format_string = "H")
[docs] def disassemble(self, offset, count = 128, layer_name = None, architecture = None): """Disassembles a number of instructions from the code at offset""" remaining_data = self._read_data(offset, count = count, layer_name = layer_name) if not has_capstone: print("Capstone not available - please install it to use the disassemble command") else: if isinstance(self.context.layers[layer_name or self.current_layer], intel.Intel32e): architecture = 'intel64' elif isinstance(self.context.layers[layer_name or self.current_layer], intel.Intel): architecture = 'intel' disasm_types = { 'intel': capstone.Cs(capstone.CS_ARCH_X86, capstone.CS_MODE_32), 'intel64': capstone.Cs(capstone.CS_ARCH_X86, capstone.CS_MODE_64), 'arm': capstone.Cs(capstone.CS_ARCH_ARM, capstone.CS_MODE_ARM), 'arm64': capstone.Cs(capstone.CS_ARCH_ARM64, capstone.CS_MODE_ARM) } if architecture is not None: for i in disasm_types[architecture].disasm(remaining_data, offset): print("0x%x:\t%s\t%s" % (i.address, i.mnemonic, i.op_str))
[docs] def display_type(self, object: Union[str, interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface, interfaces.objects.Template], offset: int = None): """Display Type describes the members of a particular object in alphabetical order""" if not isinstance(object, (str, interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface, interfaces.objects.Template)): print("Cannot display information about non-type object") return if isinstance(object, str) and offset is None: object = self.context.symbol_space.get_type(object) elif isinstance(object, str) and offset is not None: object = self.context.object(object, layer_name = self.current_layer, offset = offset) elif offset is not None: object = self.context.object(object.vol.type_name, layer_name = self.current_layer, offset = offset) if hasattr(object.vol, 'size'): print("{} ({} bytes)".format(object.vol.type_name, object.vol.size)) elif hasattr(object.vol, 'data_format'): data_format = object.vol.data_format print("{} ({} bytes, {} endian, {})".format(object.vol.type_name, data_format.length, data_format.byteorder, 'signed' if data_format.signed else 'unsigned')) if hasattr(object.vol, 'members'): longest_member = longest_offset = longest_typename = 0 for member in object.vol.members: relative_offset, member_type = object.vol.members[member] longest_member = max(len(member), longest_member) longest_offset = max(len(hex(relative_offset)), longest_offset) longest_typename = max(len(member_type.vol.type_name), longest_typename) for member in sorted(object.vol.members, key = lambda x: (object.vol.members[x][0], x)): relative_offset, member_type = object.vol.members[member] len_offset = len(hex(relative_offset)) len_member = len(member) len_typename = len(member_type.vol.type_name) if isinstance(object, interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface): # We're an instance, so also display the data print(" " * (longest_offset - len_offset), hex(relative_offset), ": ", member, " " * (longest_member - len_member), " ", member_type.vol.type_name, " " * (longest_typename - len_typename), " ", self._display_value(getattr(object, member))) else: print(" " * (longest_offset - len_offset), hex(relative_offset), ": ", member, " " * (longest_member - len_member), " ", member_type.vol.type_name)
@classmethod def _display_value(self, value: Any) -> str: if isinstance(value, objects.PrimitiveObject): return repr(value) elif isinstance(value, objects.Array): return repr([self._display_value(val) for val in value]) else: return hex(value.vol.offset)
[docs] def consume_file(self, file: interfaces.plugins.FileInterface) -> None: """Dummy file consumer to satisfy the """ pass
[docs] def generate_treegrid(self, plugin: Type[interfaces.plugins.PluginInterface], **kwargs) -> interfaces.renderers.TreeGrid: """Generates a TreeGrid based on a specific plugin passing in kwarg configuration values""" path_join = interfaces.configuration.path_join # Generate a temporary configuration path plugin_config_suffix = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(32)) plugin_path = path_join(self.config_path, plugin_config_suffix) # Populate the configuration for name, value in kwargs.items(): self.config[path_join(plugin_config_suffix, plugin.__name__, name)] = value try: constructed = plugins.construct_plugin(self.context, [], plugin, plugin_path, None, NullFileConsumer()) return except exceptions.UnsatisfiedException as excp: print("Unable to validate the plugin requirements: {}\n".format([x for x in excp.unsatisfied]))
[docs] def render_treegrid(self, treegrid: interfaces.renderers.TreeGrid, renderer: Optional[interfaces.renderers.Renderer] = None) -> None: """Renders a treegrid as produced by generate_treegrid""" if renderer is None: renderer = text_renderer.QuickTextRenderer() renderer.render(treegrid)
[docs] def display_plugin_output(self, plugin: Type[interfaces.plugins.PluginInterface], **kwargs) -> None: """Displays the output for a particular plugin (with keyword arguments)""" self.render_treegrid(self.generate_treegrid(plugin, **kwargs))
[docs] def display_symbols(self, symbol_table: str = None): """Prints an alphabetical list of symbols for a symbol table""" if symbol_table is None: print("No symbol table provided") return longest_offset = longest_name = 0 table = self.context.symbol_space[symbol_table] for symbol_name in table.symbols: symbol = table.get_symbol(symbol_name) longest_offset = max(longest_offset, len(hex(symbol.address))) longest_name = max(longest_name, len( for symbol_name in sorted(table.symbols): symbol = table.get_symbol(symbol_name) len_offset = len(hex(symbol.address)) print(" " * (longest_offset - len_offset), hex(symbol.address), " ",
[docs]class NullFileConsumer(interfaces.plugins.FileConsumerInterface): """Null FileConsumer that swallows files whole"""
[docs] def consume_file(self, file: interfaces.plugins.FileInterface) -> None: """Dummy file consumer to satisfy the FileConsumerInterface""" pass