Source code for volatility.cli.text_renderer

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at

import datetime
import logging
import random
import string
import sys
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Dict

from volatility.framework.renderers import format_hints

vollog = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    import capstone
except ImportError:
    vollog.debug("Disassembly library capstone not found")

from volatility.framework import interfaces, renderers

[docs]def hex_bytes_as_text(value: bytes) -> str: """Renders HexBytes as text. Args: value: A series of bytes to convert to text Returns: A text representation of the hexadecimal bytes plus their ascii equivalents, separated by newline characters """ if not isinstance(value, bytes): raise TypeError("hex_bytes_as_text takes bytes not: {}".format(type(value))) ascii = [] hex = [] count = 0 output = "" for byte in value: hex.append("{:02x}".format(byte)) ascii.append(chr(byte) if 0x20 < byte <= 0x7E else ".") if (count % 8) == 7: output += "\n" output += " ".join(hex[count - 7:count + 1]) output += "\t" output += "".join(ascii[count - 7:count + 1]) count += 1 return output
[docs]def optional(func): @wraps(func) def wrapped(x: Any) -> str: if isinstance(x, interfaces.renderers.BaseAbsentValue): if isinstance(x, renderers.NotApplicableValue): return "N/A" else: return "-" return func(x) return wrapped
[docs]def quoted_optional(func): @wraps(func) def wrapped(x: Any) -> str: result = optional(func)(x) if result == "-" or result == "N/A": return "" if isinstance(x, int) and not isinstance(x, (format_hints.Hex, format_hints.Bin)): return "{}".format(result) return "\"{}\"".format(result) return wrapped
[docs]def display_disassembly(disasm: interfaces.renderers.Disassembly) -> str: """Renders a disassembly renderer type into string format. Args: disasm: Input disassembly objects Returns: A string as rendererd by capstone where available, otherwise output as if it were just bytes """ if CAPSTONE_PRESENT: disasm_types = { 'intel': capstone.Cs(capstone.CS_ARCH_X86, capstone.CS_MODE_32), 'intel64': capstone.Cs(capstone.CS_ARCH_X86, capstone.CS_MODE_64), 'arm': capstone.Cs(capstone.CS_ARCH_ARM, capstone.CS_MODE_ARM), 'arm64': capstone.Cs(capstone.CS_ARCH_ARM64, capstone.CS_MODE_ARM) } output = "" if disasm.architecture is not None: for i in disasm_types[disasm.architecture].disasm(, disasm.offset): output += "\n0x%x:\t%s\t%s" % (i.address, i.mnemonic, i.op_str) return output return QuickTextRenderer._type_renderers[bytes](
[docs]class CLIRenderer(interfaces.renderers.Renderer): """Class to add specific requirements for CLI renderers.""" name = "unnamed"
[docs]class QuickTextRenderer(CLIRenderer): _type_renderers = { format_hints.Bin: optional(lambda x: "0b{:b}".format(x)), format_hints.Hex: optional(lambda x: "0x{:x}".format(x)), format_hints.HexBytes: optional(hex_bytes_as_text), interfaces.renderers.Disassembly: optional(display_disassembly), bytes: optional(lambda x: " ".join(["{0:2x}".format(b) for b in x])), datetime.datetime: optional(lambda x: x.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %Z")), 'default': optional(lambda x: "{}".format(x)) } name = "quick"
[docs] def get_render_options(self): pass
[docs] def render(self, grid: interfaces.renderers.TreeGrid) -> None: """Renders each column immediately to stdout. This does not format each line's width appropriately, it merely tab separates each field Args: grid: The TreeGrid object to render """ # TODO: Docstrings # TODO: Improve text output outfd = sys.stdout line = [] for column in grid.columns: # Ignore the type because namedtuples don't realize they have accessible attributes line.append("{}".format( outfd.write("\n{}\n".format("\t".join(line))) def visitor(node, accumulator): accumulator.write("\n") # Nodes always have a path value, giving them a path_depth of at least 1, we use max just in case accumulator.write("*" * max(0, node.path_depth - 1)) line = [] for column_index in range(len(grid.columns)): column = grid.columns[column_index] renderer = self._type_renderers.get(column.type, self._type_renderers['default']) line.append(renderer(node.values[column_index])) accumulator.write("{}".format("\t".join(line))) return accumulator if not grid.populated: grid.populate(visitor, outfd) else: grid.visit(node = None, function = visitor, initial_accumulator = outfd) outfd.write("\n")
[docs]class CSVRenderer(CLIRenderer): _type_renderers = { format_hints.Bin: quoted_optional(lambda x: "0b{:b}".format(x)), format_hints.Hex: quoted_optional(lambda x: "0x{:x}".format(x)), format_hints.HexBytes: quoted_optional(hex_bytes_as_text), interfaces.renderers.Disassembly: quoted_optional(display_disassembly), bytes: quoted_optional(lambda x: " ".join(["{0:2x}".format(b) for b in x])), datetime.datetime: quoted_optional(lambda x: x.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %Z")), 'default': quoted_optional(lambda x: "{}".format(x)) } name = "csv"
[docs] def get_render_options(self): pass
[docs] def render(self, grid: interfaces.renderers.TreeGrid) -> None: """Renders each row immediately to stdout. Args: grid: The TreeGrid object to render """ outfd = sys.stdout line = ['"TreeDepth"'] for column in grid.columns: # Ignore the type because namedtuples don't realize they have accessible attributes line.append("{}".format('"' + + '"')) outfd.write("\n{}".format(",".join(line))) def visitor(node, accumulator): accumulator.write("\n") # Nodes always have a path value, giving them a path_depth of at least 1, we use max just in case accumulator.write(str(max(0, node.path_depth - 1)) + ",") line = [] for column_index in range(len(grid.columns)): column = grid.columns[column_index] renderer = self._type_renderers.get(column.type, self._type_renderers['default']) line.append(renderer(node.values[column_index])) accumulator.write("{}".format(",".join(line))) return accumulator if not grid.populated: grid.populate(visitor, outfd) else: grid.visit(node = None, function = visitor, initial_accumulator = outfd) outfd.write("\n")
[docs]class PrettyTextRenderer(CLIRenderer): _type_renderers = QuickTextRenderer._type_renderers name = "pretty"
[docs] def get_render_options(self): pass
[docs] def render(self, grid: interfaces.renderers.TreeGrid) -> None: """Renders each column immediately to stdout. This does not format each line's width appropriately, it merely tab separates each field Args: grid: The TreeGrid object to render """ # TODO: Docstrings # TODO: Improve text output outfd = sys.stdout outfd.write("Formatting...\r") display_alignment = ">" column_separator = " | " tree_indent_column = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(20)) max_column_widths = dict([(, len( for column in grid.columns]) def visitor(node, accumulator: List[Tuple[int, Dict[interfaces.renderers.Column, bytes]]] ) -> List[Tuple[int, Dict[interfaces.renderers.Column, bytes]]]: # Nodes always have a path value, giving them a path_depth of at least 1, we use max just in case max_column_widths[tree_indent_column] = max(max_column_widths.get(tree_indent_column, 0), node.path_depth) line = {} for column_index in range(len(grid.columns)): column = grid.columns[column_index] renderer = self._type_renderers.get(column.type, self._type_renderers['default']) data = renderer(node.values[column_index]) max_column_widths[] = max(max_column_widths.get(, len(, len("{}".format(data))) line[column] = data accumulator.append((node.path_depth, line)) return accumulator final_output = [] # type: List[Tuple[int, Dict[interfaces.renderers.Column, bytes]]] if not grid.populated: grid.populate(visitor, final_output) else: grid.visit(node = None, function = visitor, initial_accumulator = final_output) # Always align the tree to the left format_string_list = ["{0:<" + str(max_column_widths[tree_indent_column]) + "s}"] for column_index in range(len(grid.columns)): column = grid.columns[column_index] format_string_list.append("{" + str(column_index + 1) + ":" + display_alignment + str(max_column_widths[]) + "s}") format_string = column_separator.join(format_string_list) + "\n" column_titles = [""] + [ for column in grid.columns] outfd.write(format_string.format(*column_titles)) for (depth, line) in final_output: outfd.write(format_string.format("*" * depth, *[line[column] for column in grid.columns]))